Friday, November 13, 2009

Sample new music

Whether you like the books and movies is irrelevant. The music from the new Twilight movie is pretty good! KCRW (Santa Monica College's public radio station) lets you listen to the album in its entirety. This soundtrack features Thom Yorke, Bon Iver, Muse, Grizzly Bear and many more. Have a listen. Enjoy!

Listen to the Complete Album, On-Demand, on

While you're there check out Karen O's Where the Wild Things Are masterpiece

Listen to the Complete Album, On-Demand, on


  1. WHAT is this? WHY is there a TWILIGHT picture on your blog?!?!?! i feel betrayed.

  2. and twilight has no business stealing that music for their soundtrack. yuck. did thom yorke actually approve this?? where is his integrity? now i feel betrayed by all the great musicians who stooped so low. sell outs.
